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Even Now Faith

Even Now Faith

By Joel Osteen

Triumph Over Challenges with Unwavering Belief

In the depths of despair, when circumstances seem insurmountable, I want to share a compelling truth with you: even now, faith can prevail. In the face of adversity, Mary's unwavering declaration to Jesus in John 11:22 resonates: "But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask." It's a testament to the enduring power of faith.

No matter how dire our situations may appear, God's favor can intervene in an instant, turning our trials into triumphs. Martha's equally poignant statement in John 11:22 echoes this truth: "But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask." Faith believes that even in the darkest of times, God is working behind the scenes, orchestrating a plan for our good.

Joel Osteen, the renowned pastor of Lakewood Church, reminds us that it's never too late for God to turn things around. When faced with challenges, we must cling to the unwavering belief that even now, faith can open doors and create miracles. It's not always easy, but when we refuse to give up, we position ourselves to experience the extraordinary.
