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Arch Of The Covenant Wiki

The Ark of the Covenant: A Sacred Relic of the Israelites

History and Description

The Ark of the Covenant, also known as the Ark of the Testimony or the Ark of God, is believed to have been the most sacred religious relic of the Israelites. It is described as a wooden chest with a decorative golden top called the mercy seat. According to the Books of Exodus and 1 Kings in the Bible, it was built by the craftsmen Bezalel and Oholiab according to instructions given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai.


The Ark of the Covenant represented the presence of God among the Israelites. It contained the Ten Commandments, which were the cornerstone of their covenant with God. The Ark was carried by the priests during their travels and was placed in the most sacred part of the Tabernacle, the tent that served as a sanctuary for the Israelites.


Tradition claims that the Ark of the Covenant contained the two stone tablets carved by Moses that bore the Ten Commandments, as well as a pot of manna and Aaron's rod, which had budded and produced almonds. These items symbolized the covenant between God and the Israelites, the provision of sustenance, and the authority of the priesthood.

Ritual Significance

The Ark of the Covenant played a crucial role in the religious rituals of the Israelites. It was carried before the army in battle, believed to give them victory. The priests would also use the Ark to consult God on important matters, such as whether to go to war. The Israelites believed that the Ark represented the presence of God and that it would strike down anyone who approached it with disrespect.


The fate of the Ark of the Covenant after the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem in 586 BCE is unknown. Some speculate that it was taken to Babylon as a war trophy and never returned, while others believe that it was hidden by the priests and remains concealed to this day. Regardless of its fate, the Ark of the Covenant has remained a symbol of the covenant between God and the Israelites and continues to inspire awe and reverence.
